Bridging Worlds: Emerging Models and Practices of U.S. Academic Libraries Around the Globe

Congratulations to IRRT member Sheau-yueh Janey Chao, who has authored a chapter in the new book Bridging Worlds: Emerging Models and Practices of U.S. Academic Libraries Around the Globe, edited by Raymond Pun, Scott Collard, and Justin Parrott and published by ACRL.

As the publishers note, “[A] growing number of American colleges and universities have made international engagement a key facet of their missions. . . . Universities are establishing campuses, branches, and enhanced programs outside of the United States” and “[a]cademic libraries are playing a key role in many of these undertakings” (  Sections of the book explore library design, access services, collection development, research and reference services, and technical services.  Professor Chao’s chapter, “Resource Description and Access: Internationalizing, Teaching, and Learning RDA Cataloging Abroad,” addresses issues of providing technical services support in a global context and draws from her experience teaching cataloging services in Taiwan.  For more information about the book see the ALA store.

Professor Chao is the Head of Cataloging at the William and Anita Newman Library, Baruch College/CUNY.

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Global Perspectives: Shared Values of Cuban Librarians

A delegation of ten CUNY librarians and archivists visited Cuba for one week in January 2016.  When we encountered leading Cuban libraries, archives, and cultural institutions, we immediately sensed the passion and commitment of Cuban librarians.  Despite major technological challenges, they are proactively digitizing collections, preserving materials, and creating dynamic open access discovery tools.  We left inspired by our Cuban colleagues’ resiliency and efforts to enhance the principles and values of librarianship by providing access to information and designing programming services for their communities.

The Fall 2016 meeting of the IRRT will feature presentations from the following members of the Delegation:

Sarah Aponte, Dominican Studies Institute, City College
William Blick, Queensborough Community College
Silvia Cho, CUNY Graduate Center
Maureen Garvey, College of Staten Island
Pedro Juan Hernandez, Center for Puerto Rican Studies
Elizabeth Jardine, LaGuardia Community College
Manuel Sanudo, Queens College
Kenneth Schlesinger, Lehman College
Judith Schwartz, Medgar Evers College
Tess Tobin, New York City College of Technology

The meeting will take place Friday, September 30 from 10am to noon, in Room C196.05 inside the Mina Rees Library, CUNY Graduate Center.  All CUNY librarians are welcome!  Please RSVP to John Carey at [email protected].

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Mapping Library Contributions to Campus Internationalization: Fri 9/26 at the GC

For its Fall 2014 meeting, the LACUNY International Relations Roundtable will host a program focusing on library support for campus internationalization initiatives.  Our speakers are Steve Witt (University of Illinois), Laurie Kutner (University of Vermont), and Elizabeth Cooper (University of Colorado, Denver).  Their research represents the first attempt to measure the intensity and scope of international-related activities across academic libraries in the U.S.  Their paper on this topic recently appeared in College & Research Libraries.

The presenters surveyed U.S. academic libraries to establish baseline data on their contributions to campus internationalization.  Additionally, follow-up interviews were conducted with library deans and directors to elucidate a deeper picture of the intersection of the academic library and campus internationalization.  The presenters will both summarize the results of their research and facilitate discussion on how the results reflect (or not) the specific institutional experiences of CUNY librarians.  Additionally, the presenters will facilitate discussion on how libraries can move forward with internationalization, including developing best practices and assessing the academic library’s support for campus internationalization efforts.

Please join us:
Friday, September 26, 2014
2:30pm to 4pm
Room C201
CUNY Graduate Center

365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016

Light refreshments will be served.

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Follow-up: Education for Librarianship in China

Thanks to everyone who attended our June event on library and information science education in China!  Thanks again to the Chinese American Library Association for helping support our hosting of the program, including the CALA president, Esther Lee, and vice-president/president-elect Kachuen (Carol) Gee.

The presenters included:

  • Michael Bailou Huang (SUNY Stony Brook)
  • Tang (Tony) Cheng (Shanghai Normal University)
  • Zuwang Shen (Bronx Community College)
  • Sheau-yueh (Janey) Chao (Baruch College)
  • Charlene Chou (Columbia University), and
  • Minglu Wang (Rutgers University)

A few of those presentations are available on the International Relations Roundtable home page on the LACUNY site.

Beth Evans has drafted a much more detailed article about the day’s activities that will be appearing in the Fall 2013 LACUNY News, so stay tuned for that. In the meantime, below are a couple pictures from the event.



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Panel on education for librarianship in China, June 20

Hi all,

The IRRT is sponsoring a program later this month that will focus on educational requirements for librarians in China.  For those who may not have seen it, I’m re-posting below the announcement that went out on CULIBS, so please read on for the details.  Thanks to Beth Evans (Brooklyn College) and Ryan Phillips (Baruch) for organizing this!

The LACUNY International Relations Roundtable invites you to join us for a conversation about the education of the Chinese for librarianship.

Thursday, June 20, 2013
10am – 12pm
Bernard Baruch College Newman Library (Room 415)
151 East 25th Street

Special guests include:

Sheau-yueh (Janey) Chao, William and Anita Newman Library, Baruch College, CUNY
Tang (Tony) Cheng, Shanghai Normal University Library*
Michael Bailou Huang, Health Science Library, SUNY Stony Brook
Zuwang Shen, Library, Bronx Community College, CUNY

Speakers will address the educational requirements for librarians in China and discuss their own education both prior to and after beginning their professional careers.  International studies have given several of the speakers a cross-cultural perspective.

Come share your own experiences of your education for librarianship, particularly if part of your education was outside of the United States or Canada.

A light breakfast will be served.

*Following the event all are welcome to join us for lunch and New York City sightseeing with Tony Cheng and Michael Huang.  Michael is hosting Tony on a one month exchange at the Stony Brook University Health Sciences Library.  Tony was the principle guide and translator for the CUNY librarians who took part in the CUNY-Shanghai Library Faculty Exchange Program from 2010-2011. He is currently studying for a master’s degree in religion at Shanghai Normal University with a focus on Islam.

RSVP – Beth Evans / [email protected]

Hope to see you there!

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2013 Spring Program, March 22

For its Spring 2013 program, the LACUNY International Relations Roundtable will host a program focusing on library and literacy services for African and other developing countries.  Our speakers on the panel will include:

  • Ms. Eva Kaplan of Maria’s Libraries, an organization that promotes and develops libraries and library services in Kenya (
  • Ms. Megan Meberg of Better World Books, “the online bookstore with a soul” that collects unwanted textbooks and library discards in support of literacy programs such as Books for Africa, Worldfund and others (
  • Professor Kate Parry, Dept. of English, Hunter College, who serves as a Co-Director of Friends of African Village Libraries, an organization that supports small community libraries in rural Africa (

Time and place:

Friday, March 22
CUNY Graduate Center, Room C198

Please join us for what is sure to be a lively and informative discussion of libraries and literacy in the developing world.  Hope to see many of you there!

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Meeting minutes

I am working on our last meeting minutes – should I post them here?

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